Entry for Amiya Aranha's Buckojam 2024

written for pico8

still a prototype, lacking sounds etc.

use left/right to turn, up/down to increase/decrease speed, button 1 (z on keyboard) to jump, collect buckos for energy.

game over when running out of energy or falling into the abyss.

edit: bugfix, buckos should now appear till the end and game finishable


3ttest.p8 22 kB

Development log


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Thats such a cool idea! Love the little ami and bucko sprites!

The look of this was impressive. Both 3D and not. The sprite is super cute.

Super cool that you made this in pico-8! I had a bit of trouble with the controls, sadly i couldn't get past the y on amiya though i'd love to give it another go! Do you have any tips for the movement? 

thanks for the comment :)

tips in general would be : energy depletes at one per step, so you don't have to hurry. jumping distance also takes the diagonal vector into account and you jump along that vector if you're turning. so for maximum jump distance you want to walk straight up. you can not walk completely left/right - there are 3 angles per side you can turn at, but they are always less than 90 degrees so you will always walk a little forward. speed determines jump length - you jump for around 20 frames and actual pixels you move per frame depends on speed and your angle. it's generally better to mash than hold it down for slowing down/turning since i use button pressed - which depends on operating system repeating interval if you hold it down. 

played it on pico-8,  very cool, love seeing pico-8 games nice work!


I love the call back to skyroads, good prototype!

thanks! i should mention since i uploaded the source as well anybody is free to take this prototype and make it their own/extend it with music w/e