
fixed a bug i introduced making buckos not appear > 127 tiles so the game wasn't finishable.

buckos are distributed randomly across the map, which is 2 lines of the map, 128x16 tiles each, at boot of the game with random between 1 and 3 tiles distance between them to not run out of energy. the fake 3d is achieved by using pico8's tline functionality and treating the map tiles as a texture. energy is depleted at speed per frame, a bucko gives 50 energy. might want to tweak those values at some point and the distribution. i am using 128x32 of the possible 128x64 map tiles so far, originally planned on having 2 height levels with the second 128x32 for an upper layer to jump up to/down from. just ran out of time and would have to rework collision as it is to make it work with different height levels. since i don't use tile based collision but pixel based i read 6x4 pixels of the map where the "feet" of the sprite should be - and during jumping a white circle is displayed as the shadow - and check if those pixels added are > 0 so any of those tiles is solid. i guess one possibility if i don't care about floor casting shadows onto lower floor is to just render top or bottom first depending on whether jumping or not and then checking for only upper or lower level - but then you couldn't bump into things. as far as i see there's no way to read map data as pixels but only as tiles, can only query screen for pixel data, and i haven't seen any obvious way to have 2 buffers. i am currently only using about 18% of available cpu cycles so definitely enough cpu headroom for offscreen buffer and overlaying if that was possible, even with sound effects/music cpu usage.

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